Duration: September 2019 - December 2022
Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Project Website: https://quantumrisc.org
The QuantumRISC project aims to investigate post-quantum cryptography for resource-constrained embedded systems and to bring embedded PQC from theory into practice. One goal of the project is to optimize PQC primitives for both low power consumption and low storage requirements while maintaining a high level of security.
The workpackages where Hardware Labs @ HSRM is strongly involved:
Hardening the Supply Chain through Open Source, Trustworthy EDA Tools and Processors
Duration: March 2021 - February 2024
Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Project Website: https://hep-alliance.org/
The project “Hardening the Supply Chain through Open Source, Trusted EDA Tools and Processors (HEP)” focuses on RISC-V processors. RISC-V is a new, open and free instruction set architecture, forming the interface between software and hardware. RISC-V is a promising open source standard for all application areas. The aim of the project is to develop a hardened, formally verified RISC-V processor with special cryptographic hardware accelerators. The hardening of the chip aims to provide as few vulnerabilities as possible for physical attacks on the system. The modifiability of a verified RISC-V processor offers the potential to enable secure applications for the Internet of Things and to establish a new standard in the automotive industry, for example. Therefore, the project will also develop and implement extensions for open-source circuit design tools - so-called Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools - which integrate hardening measures into the circuits in an automated way. In addition, it will be investigated how hardware Trojans can be inserted from design to production and what protective measures are possible against such attacks.
Duration: April 2021 - March 2023
Funding: Hessisches Innenministerium
Research Umsetzungsstudie zur Erprobung und Weiterentwicklung von elektronischen Netzwerkkomponenten sowie Bau eines prototypischen Small-Office-Home-Office Routers (SoHo) und dessen Evaluation im Anwendungsfall.
Ziel des Projekts PROGENITOR ist die wissenschaftliche Erforschung und Erprobung von verbesserten und neuartigen Methoden zum Bau von elektronischen Netzwerkkomponenten für sicherheitskritische Anwendungen und zur Stärkung der digitalen Souveränität. Weiterhin soll die prinzipielle Machbarkeit dieser Art von Hardwareentwurf durch einen praktisch anwendbaren Prototyp gezeigt und so wertvolle Erkenntnisse für weitere Schritte gewonnen werden. Diese Vorgehensweise verspricht bessere Überprüfbarkeit, Zertifizierbarkeit und Langzeitverfügbarkeit und ermöglicht so vielfältige Anschlussverwendungen, die die Sicherheitslandschaft Hessens stärken soll.
Prototype of the open-source SoHo 4-port router, based on a FPGA development plattform.